A Look at Rihanna's Tattoos and What They Mean [2023 Guide] (2025)

Dive into superstar Rihanna’s tattoos by exploring some of her most iconic pieces of body art and her reasons for getting them inked.

Trends come and go in the world of pop music, but sometimes there is a performer that comes along with the talent and bravado to make the world sit up and take notice. Rihanna is one of these people.

A Look at Rihanna's Tattoos and What They Mean [2023 Guide] (1)

Born and raised in the Barbados, Rihanna burst onto the scene with her distinctive voice and style, signing to Def Jam records in 2005. However, it wasn’t until her album Good Girl Gone Bad and the release of the smash hit Umbrella that Rihanna hit the big time.

Since then she has continued to carve a permanent spot for herself in the world of pop music and was recently listed as America’s richest female performer in Forbes, with a net worth of $600 million.

Rihanna’s flair and taste set her apart in the fickle music industry, and her unique tattoos are part of her firebrand style. With over 20 different pieces of ink, Rihanna’s love of body art is on full display. She’s never far away from a new tattoo.

The following article will detail some of her most impressive pieces and explore the meaning behind the singer’s beautiful tattoos.

Trailing Stars Tattoo

One of her first and most visible pieces, Rihanna has black and gray stars running up the back of her neck from her right shoulder. Applied in 2008 in Los Angeles and New York, the stars are her part of matching tattoos that she and ex-boyfriend Chris Brown share.

A Look at Rihanna's Tattoos and What They Mean [2023 Guide] (2)

Isis Tattoo

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Located on the center of her torso, directly above her solar plexus and running across the front of her rib cage, Rihanna has a black and gray tattoo of the Egyptian goddess Isis. Isis was the greatest Egyptian goddess and possessed powers for healing, protection, and magic. Rihanna’s tattoo is applied in clean lines, gray wash shading and is dedicated to her late grandmother as stated though a tweet she released debuting her new ink.

A Look at Rihanna's Tattoos and What They Mean [2023 Guide] (3)

Egyptian Falcon Ink

Rihanna got this piece in June 2012. It is placed on her right foot and covers the existing musical note tattoo – believed to be Rihanna’s first tattoo -marking a new chapter in her story. Sticking with her Egyptian theme, the falcon is in the style of the faience falcon on display in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City and is a symbol of strength and perseverance.

Inked by BangBang, her favorite tattoo artist, Rihanna told Oprah “Back in the day, they would carve into the walls and they would carve a falcon, because they didn’t have another way of saying a king in the sky.”

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Nefertiti& Script

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Another piece that demonstrates Rihanna’s fascination with Egypt is her black and gray profile of Queen Nefertiti. An older piece, this tattoo is rarely seen thanks to its location on Rihanna’s ribcage. She has never officially stated what the meaning behind this piece is, but Nefertiti was a powerful Queen and has long been a figure associated with strength and devotion. Below Nefertiti, is a portion of Arabic script that translates to “Freedom in God” and most likely is a tribute to the role faith in her life.

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Fine Line Script Tattoo

On the right side of her chest, following the natural line of her collar bone, Rihanna has clean script executed in a restrained cursive typeface that reads: Never a mistake, always a lesson.

The piece is written in reverse so that she can read it in the mirror. When asked about the significance of Rihanna’s tattoo, artist BangBang, who applied the piece, had this to say:

“I asked her why she wantedthatand she said, ‘It’s kind of my motto in life for everything.’ Instead of considering things to be mistakes, considering them lessons…. She said that she wanted to do it in gray, rather than black, because she wanted it to be more subtle…. She didn’t want it to draw too much attention.”

A Look at Rihanna's Tattoos and What They Mean [2023 Guide] (5)

Hand Tattoos

A Look at Rihanna's Tattoos and What They Mean [2023 Guide] (6)

Rihanna has numerous small tattoos on her right hand to which she continues to add and enhance. At various points in time she has also done some temporary tattoo work, including a Thug Lifesemi permanentpiece across her knuckles by high profile tattoo artist Mark Mahoney. At the timeThug Lifesent Twitter into melt down.

1. Tribal

Thefirst handtattoo was a traditional tribal design the singer got while on tour in New Zealand. Drawing inspiration from traditional Maori tattoo, the piece is a stylized claw that wraps around her wrist and flows over the thumb onto her hand. She has said that the piece represents strength and love, and that she enjoyed the Maori tattoo practice, though it “hurt like hell!”

2. Chevrons

In 2013 Rihanna expanded her hand tattoo with the addition of a variety of chevrons and geometric designs that are also reminiscent of tribal tattoo. She has never spoken to the meaning of these interesting designs that have a loose and rudimentary feel thanks to their light color and low saturation.

3. Henna

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In October 2013 Rihanna completed her hand tattoo with a beautiful and elegant design inspired by Indian henna art and lace fabric. Wrapping around her wrist and following the existing lines of the Maori tribal tattoo, the patterns flow across her knuckles. Completed by collaborator BangBangand tattoo artistCally-Jo, the pieces speak to Rihanna’s unique style and interest in different cultural traditions.

4. Cross Tattoo and Religious Reminders

Located on the inside of her right wrist is an elaborate cross that is produced through the application of fully saturated black ink and a clever use of negative space. Completed in 2014 by her go-to tattoo artist BangBang, the cross uses black ink to close the gaps between this piece and her henna design on the same hand, creating one cohesive tattoo.

Rihanna also has a minimalist cross on the upper part of her chest and are representative of the role of faith in the singer’s life.

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Rebelle Fleur and Tiny Star Tattoo

A simple neck tattoo etched by tattooist BangBang, the Frenchrebellefleur translates to rebel flower – not rebellious flower as some have claimed -and is drawn in neatly flowing cursive on the left side ofRhiRhi’sneck, while on the inside of her ear is a simple star tattoo.

A Look at Rihanna's Tattoos and What They Mean [2023 Guide] (7)

Pisces Glyph Tattoo

One of Rihanna’s oldest tattoos not to be covered up, her Pisces glyph was inked behind her right ear in 2006. Rihanna’s birthdayfallson February 20.

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Handgun Tattoo

Part of her frequent work in the safe hands of artist BangBang, Rihanna trusts his honesty when it comes to the design process, and what ink ideas work or don’t. Her small handgun tattoo was originally going to be a pair on each side, but BangBangmanaged to get the requestmodifiedto the Rihanna tattoo we see today; a singular, small black ink weapon etched on her right rib cage along the bra line.

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Sanskrit Prayer Tattoo

The first of her pieces inked by BangBang, this Sanskrit Prayer tattoo was done in 2006. This form of tattoo is becoming increasingly popular, due in part by the rise in Eastern cultural access, and the role of celebrity tattoo, with Tibetan and Asian influenced pieces.

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Roman Numerals Birth Date

Rihanna has XI.IV.LXXXVI in block black script tattooed along the top curve of her left shoulder. These Roman Numerals commemorate the birth date of her bestie Melissa, who hasRhiRhi’sdate tattooed on herself as well.

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1988 Ankle Tattoo and Camo Shark Tattoo

Rihanna has some wicked Old English style numbering to mark 1988, the year she was born. It sits on the top of her right ankle, while on the left ankle is a camouflage shark tattoowhichshe got inked to match close friend Drake.

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Treble Clef

Popular among singers and a go to musician celebrity tattoo, Rihanna had a treble clef and sixteenth musical note tattooed on the inside of her right foot. She got this small piece in Australia in 2006 as a tribute to her passion for music, though little did she know, in only a few short years she would be the queen of the pop world. She eventually got these pieces covered by the larger Egyptian falcon design.

Enjoy Rihanna’s tattoo journey? Click on the links below for more celebrity ink galleries:

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Rihanna's Tattoos

Rihanna, the renowned pop music icon, is known for her distinctive voice, style, and love for body art. She has over 20 different tattoos, each with its own unique significance and story. Let's explore some of her most iconic pieces of body art and the reasons behind getting them inked.

Trailing Stars Tattoo: One of Rihanna's first and most visible tattoos is a series of black and gray stars running up the back of her neck from her right shoulder. These stars are part of matching tattoos that she and her ex-boyfriend, Chris Brown, share. The stars were applied in 2008 in Los Angeles and New York.

Isis Tattoo: Located on the center of her torso, directly above her solar plexus and running across the front of her rib cage, Rihanna has a black and gray tattoo of the Egyptian goddess Isis. This tattoo is dedicated to her late grandmother and is a symbol of healing, protection, and magic.

Egyptian Falcon Ink: In June 2012, Rihanna got a falcon tattoo on her right foot, covering her existing musical note tattoo. The falcon is a symbol of strength and perseverance, and it represents a new chapter in her life. The design is inspired by the faience falcon on display in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.

Nefertiti & Script: Rihanna has a black and gray profile of Queen Nefertiti on her ribcage, along with a portion of Arabic script that translates to "Freedom in God." While she has not officially stated the meaning behind this piece, Nefertiti is associated with strength and devotion.

Fine Line Script Tattoo: On the right side of her chest, Rihanna has clean script executed in a restrained cursive typeface that reads: "Never a mistake, always a lesson." The piece is written in reverse so that she can read it in the mirror. It represents her motto in life, emphasizing the importance of learning from experiences .

Hand Tattoos: Rihanna has numerous small tattoos on her right hand, including a traditional tribal design, chevrons, and a beautiful and elegant design inspired by Indian henna art and lace fabric. These pieces reflect her interest in different cultural traditions.

Cross Tattoo and Religious Reminders: Rihanna has an elaborate cross tattoo on the inside of her right wrist, along with a minimalist cross on the upper part of her chest. These tattoos represent the role of faith in her life.

Rebelle Fleur and Tiny Star Tattoo: Rihanna has a simple neck tattoo that translates to "rebel flower" and a tiny star tattoo on the inside of her ear.

Pisces Glyph Tattoo: One of Rihanna’s oldest tattoos, her Pisces glyph was inked behind her right ear in 2006, commemorating her birthday.

Handgun Tattoo: Rihanna has a small handgun tattoo etched on her right rib cage, symbolizing trust and honesty in the design process.

Sanskrit Prayer Tattoo: This tattoo, inked in 2006, reflects the rising popularity of Eastern cultural influences and the role of celebrity tattoos. It is a testament to Rihanna's interest in different cultural traditions.

Roman Numerals Birth Date: Rihanna has Roman numerals tattooed along the top curve of her left shoulder, commemorating the birth date of her best friend, Melissa.

1988 Ankle Tattoo and Camo Shark Tattoo: Rihanna has Old English style numbering to mark 1988, the year she was born, on the top of her right ankle. On her left ankle, she has a camouflage shark tattoo, which she got inked to match her close friend Drake.

Treble Clef: Rihanna had a treble clef and sixteenth musical note tattooed on the inside of her right foot as a tribute to her passion for music.

Rihanna's tattoos reflect her personal journey, interests, and cultural influences, making each piece a meaningful part of her identity and artistic expression.

A Look at Rihanna's Tattoos and What They Mean [2023 Guide] (2025)
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