Chocolate Hummus | 5 Minute Recipe Using Beans + Video (2024)

Chocolate Hummus | 5 Minute Recipe Using Beans + Video (1)

By Tiffany Published Last Updated: August 4, 2023 294 Comments

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Make healthy chocolate hummus in less than 5 minutes at home with ingredients from your pantry (no tahini!). A delicious, easy dessert that tastes like brownie batter and goes perfectly with fruit, pretzels, graham crackers, or a spoon! Plus this vegan chocolate hummus is naturally gluten-free and dairy-free!

Chocolate Hummus | 5 Minute Recipe Using Beans + Video (2)

For the longest time, I wished my family would eat beans.

Then one day I experimented with black bean brownies and realized that if I made something with beans – but my family couldn’t SEE the beans – they’d eat it without a word.

Enter chocolate hummus!

The Original Chocolate Hummus Recipe

In the most traditional sense, hummus is a creamy puree made with a base of garbanzo beans (a.k.a. chickpeas) and then adds garlic, olive oil, tahini (sesame seed butter), and salt. My family’s favorite hummus recipe skips the tahini and uses more pantry staple ingredients instead.

In my little non-traditional corner of the world, hummus is made with whatever bean I have in the pantry (and/or whatever bean my family will eat) and whatever I have to add to make it taste good. And who doesn’t like chocolate?

No offense to the traditional folks – just keepin’ it real.

Chocolate Hummus | 5 Minute Recipe Using Beans + Video (3)

The Dessert Hummus Lineup

I was making cocoa hummus before grocery stores like Trader Joe’s and ALDI started carrying it on their shelves. It’s the perfect high-protein snack you can eat right out of the bowl!

My readers love chocolate hummus so much (gauging by 300+ comments and a 4.9-star rating) that I created a whole lineup of dessert hummus recipes (all non-traditional, of course):

  • Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Hummus
  • Cake Batter Hummus
  • Snickerdoodle Hummus
  • Pumpkin Pie Hummus

Simple Ingredients for Dark Chocolate Hummus Recipe

After testing this recipe no less than 5 times, testing different sweeteners with different amounts and adding vanilla and leaving it out and more cocoa and less cocoa and thicker and thinner…

My picky kid not only gave two thumbs up but asked for seconds on my dark chocolate hummus recipe. Here’s what you need:

  • Garbanzo Beans. You can use canned beans, or you can cook dry beans yourself. Black beans also work well in this recipe.
  • Maple Syrup. We preferred this, but you can use granulated sugar as well. Honey will likely have too strong of a flavor for this hummus recipe.
  • Vanilla Extract
  • Baking Cocoa. I usually use raw cacao, but any unsweetened cocoa powder will work.
  • Water
  • Salt

Note that this recipe does NOT call for tahini. I found that the tahini flavor was too strong for this delicate cocoa brownie hummus, and it was expensive too. Why use it when you don’t need it?

Tip: You can use any type of milk instead of water for this hummus recipe, but we found that the flavor of milk – coconut milk, almond milk, cow milk – came through in the result. Using water gave the truest “brownie” flavor!

How to Make Blender Hummus that Tastes Like Chocolate Brownies

Step 1: In a high-speed blender or a food processor, combine the beans, maple syrup, vanilla extract, and unsweetened cocoa powder.

Step 2: Blend or puree until the mixture is smooth, about 30-60 seconds. Add water 1 Tbsp at a time to create the desired consistency. Taste the hummus and add the remaining maple syrup if desired.

Making Different Flavors of Cocoa Hummus

  • Substitute peppermint extract to make mint cocoa hummus
  • Substitute almond extract and add shredded coconut for almond joy hummus
  • Add cinnamon and cayenne for Mexican cocoa hummus
  • Add instant coffee for mocha cocoa hummus
  • Add Nutella for hazelnut cocoa hummus.
  • Add peanut butter for cocoa peanut butter hummus (or sub another nut butter like almond butter)

Other Chocolate Hummus Ingredients to Consider

  • If you want a richer brownie flavor, add chocolate chips to the batter.
  • If you want a sweeter hummus, increase the maple syrup.
  • If you have caramel, consider drizzling on top with a pinch of salt for salted caramel brownie dip!
  • If you want vegan hummus, be sure to skip the milk!

FAQs Regarding Healthy Chocolate Hummus

What do you eat chocolate hummus with?

We most often use this hummus as a dip. We love it with fresh fruit like apples, strawberries, and raspberries. Or when we want something crunchy pita chips, graham crackers, and pretzels are our preferred scoopers. Here are some other fun ideas:

1. Makesandwichesor on top of toast
2. Fold into aquesadillawith bananas or strawberries
3. Add to the top offluffy pancakesor deep pocket waffles
4. Use as a frosting forcakesandbrownies
5. Mix intoovernight oats
6. Spread on rice cakes

Can you buy chocolate hummus?

Chocolate hummus became a trend, and brands like Sabra,Trader Joe’s, HEB, Boar’s Head, andALDInow make chocolate hummus among other flavors.

Is Sabra chocolate hummus healthy?

As of this writing, Sabra chocolate hummus contains soybean oil and two preservatives. We avoid soy whenever possible, and there’s no need for preservatives when you can make your own in less than 5 minutes!

How do you store chocolate hummus?

Store in anairtight containerin the refrigerator for up to one week or in a freezer for up to three months. Let the hummus thaw overnight in the refrigerator and stir well before serving.

More Tasty Dessert Recipes

  • Homemade Chocolate Mousse
  • Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
  • Chocolate Banana Bread
  • Best Chocolate Pie
Chocolate Hummus | 5 Minute Recipe Using Beans + Video (4)

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Watch How to Make Chocolate Hummus

5 Minute Chocolate Hummus

Chocolate Hummus | 5 Minute Recipe Using Beans + Video (5)
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★★★★★4.9 from 71 reviews

Make this yummy chocolate hummus in less than 5 minutes with pantry staples. This easy, healthy dessert hummus tastes like brownie batter – you’ll want to eat it right off the spoon!

  • Author: Tiffany
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Total Time: 5 minutes
  • Yield: approx ¾ cup 1x
  • Category: Desserts
  • Method: Blender
  • Cuisine: American



  • 1 ½ cupscooked garbanzo beans* (how to soak and cook dry beans) OR 1 can of garbanzo beans, strained, rinsed 3 times, with skin removed (see notes below)
  • 3 ½ – 4 Tbsp maple syrup
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • 4 Tbsp unsweetened baking cocoa powder
  • 2 Tbsp water (optional)


  1. In a blender or in a food processor, combine all the ingredients except water, using just 3 ½ Tbsp of maple syrup.
  2. Puree until the mixture is smooth, about 30-60 seconds. Add water 1 Tbsp at a time to create the desired consistency. Taste the chocolate hummus and add the remaining maple syrup if desired.


  • I’ve tested this recipe with great northern beans, garbanzo beans, and black beans. I prefer to use black beans since the “bean” flavor is more subtle and they produce a creamier texture, but you can really use whatever you happen to have.
  • If you use canned beans and there’s salt already added, reduce the salt in this recipe to just a pinch.
  • If you choose garbanzo beans, remove the skin from the bean first. You can do this by pinching the bean between your thumb and index finger, and the skin will peel off. This helps to create a creamier texture.


  • Calories: 103

Keywords: chocolate hummus, dessert hummus, chocolate hummus recipe, dessert hummus recipes, chocolate hummus ingredients

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Chocolate Hummus | 5 Minute Recipe Using Beans + Video (2024)
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