Luigi And The King - Chapter 10 - 2000pepper (2024)

Chapter Text

Bowser leans back in his chair, sighing heavily and running his hands through his hair at the sight of the empty meeting room. As per usual, he is the last one to leave, preferring to use the time directly after the meeting to go over his notes and really make sure he knows what’s going on. This time though, he doesn’t even offer his notes a second glance, stuffing them in a random folder and waiting as the captain and his generals take their sweet f*cking time wrapping up the meeting, chatting unnecessarily about what they will see in the Outer Islands, the Darklands’ most notoriously remote area. He had waited about ten minutes before all but demanding they take their conversation elsewhere if it wasn’t related to the meeting. He hears them go down the hallway towards the observation deck, and he pushes the heavy door open to stalk towards the kitchens to gather some snacks and bottles of wine, before making his way up the stairs and towards his bedroom, pointedly ignoring any attempts made at talking to him by the crew or his personal staff. He quietly opens the door and is stopped in his tracks at the sight. Late evening sunlight is filling the room, bathing the small human in a soft orange light. He was propped up in the large chaise lounge by the window, reading a book. He looked so small, the chair having been designed to fit Bowser, and his things are set down extra quietly as he makes his way across the room, arms coming down over the back of the chair to rub down lithe shoulders. He feels the man jump under his touch before he turns around and rushes into his arms, pulling him into a tight hug. He feels kisses being pressed to his jaw and neck, and picks the man up from his seated position, feeling legs wrap around his body as blue eyes meet his.

“How was your meeting? Hopefully not too boring” he smiles.

“No no, it was fine. They just kept talking.” He can hear the exasperation in Bowser’s voice, and he smiles, "eager to get back, huh?”

He feels a playful nip at his neck in response and laughs. “How could I not be, when I knew you’d be here waiting for me?”

Bowser walks them around to sit back down on the lounge and Luigi shifts slightly as he settles into his position in the king’s lap, playing with his hair idly as he meets Bowser’s eyes. “What did you get up to while I was gone?”

The larger man runs a rough hand over Luigi’s cheek, and he leans into the touch, “not much. I took a shower, changed, got interrogated by Kammy, nothing out of the ordinary.”

Bowser chuckles at that, “she always loves to stick her nose into my life. Hopefully she didn’t badger you too badly” he rolls his eyes, and Luigi laughs.

“No, no, she was just curious about where we went during the party.” His eyes widen and Luigi is quick to elaborate, “don’t worry, she kept our absences to herself. And Kamek, of course.” Bowser huffs out a laugh and runs his hand through Luigi’s hair, “seems like you had a productive time, then. What book are you reading? I was hoping you’d be able to find something on here that interested you.”

The smaller man turns to pick up his book and flips it over to skim over the back, “its some dramatic book about wizards and vampires and young love” he says with a flourish, and Bowser laughs.

“I think I’ve read some of that one before. It was so confusing I had to give it up though.” The book gets tossed to the side as Luigi moves to squeeze either side of the man’s neck,

“It was interesting enough to pass the time, but now there’s someone much more interesting for me to pay attention to.”

Bowser smirks and stands from his seat, carrying the small man in his arms and dumping him none too gracefully on the bed before turning to grab the small snacks he brought and setting them on the bedside table.

“I figured you might be a little hungry, it's been a while since we ate.” Luigi nods and accepts a slice of cheese with jam gratefully, feeling a thumb rest on his lip as he chews and swallows. He looks up to see Bowser blushing heavily, eyes lidded and pupils dilated at the sight of Luigi eating out of his hands. He runs his hand along his jawline and down the side of his neck before pulling him into a deep kiss, tongue caressing slick heat as he maps out the inside of Luigi’s mouth. \

A quiet moan graces his ears, and he moves one hand to press lightly into the small of the man’s back, the other squeezing where Luigi’s neck meets his shoulder. He slowly leans them back against the comforter, shifting so his large frame was sandwiched in between lithe legs and feeling hands tug up at the hem of his shirt impatiently. He complies with a smirk, shirt thrown off into a darkening corner of the room, the sun now fully on its way past the horizon and is rewarded with barely there scratches up his bare back before Luigi’s hands come to rest in his hair. He breaks from their passionate kiss, spit slick and panting, before trailing wet kisses down a soft neck.

He pauses to suck a mean bruise into skin that would be hidden by a shirt, and revels in the sharp gasp and moan it pulls from the man beneath him. Bowser rubs soft circles into each hip bone, and the action causes the human to arch up into his touch, panting and tenses his legs. His hand goes to unbutton the silk shirt and Luigi starts, gently grabbing his hand and pulling it back. Bowser looks down at him in confusion as he wiggles out from under him, moving to sit in front of the pillows and leaving the koopa leaning awkwardly over the empty space he had previously occupied.

“Wait! I… have something I wanna show you…” With a deep blush, he starts to unbutton his shirt, and Bowser can’t help the blush that rises to his cheeks as soft, supple skin is slowly uncovered before his eyes. As the green fabric falls away, he can’t help but crawl up the bed to get a better look, red eyes turn smoldering as he traces a line between the slips of fabric up Luigi’s belly button. Luigi looks at him through his lashes, and Bowser can’t help it as he surges forward to capture Luigi’s lips in another bruising kiss, hands coming up to cup at his chest through the soft fabric as he rubs his thumbs over pretty nipples, watching them peak under the sheer fabric as their kiss grows more frantic, Luigi bucking his hips uncontrollably at the feeling.

f*ck baby… you’re so f*cking pretty” Bowser rasps against his open mouth, and he can feel the heat radiating off of the human’s face at the comment. “You like that, huh beautiful? Being my pretty baby?” Luigi nods frantically, craning his head for another kiss, which Bowser happily obliges him.

“Yes, please.” Luigi pants out in between kisses, and even though Bowser doesn’t understand the weird language the brothers speak, something about the way he says it sends a bolt of heat to the dragon’s core. He pushes the man back against the pillows and slots himself back between his legs, pulling at his hips so that Luigi was essentially sitting in his lap, legs wrapped around his waist. They slowly rock against one another, kissing deeply as their hands roam each other’s bodies.

Bowser’s hands make their way down to the waistband of Luigi’s shorts around his hip, and he looks at the man in amusem*nt, “is there a surprise waiting for me here too?” to which the man bites his lip and grabs the hand, leading it towards the center of his waistband and dragging it down so that the shorts pulled together in a vee that showcased the sheer underwear he was wearing underneath.

At this, the large man ripped his shorts down his legs, leaving them hanging off one ankle as he dove back in, running a hand down his abdomen and lightly tracing the outline of his hard co*ck through the sheer fabric. Luigi shudders at that and grinds up against him, using the leverage of the bed underneath him to press heavily into the man’s hips, making a noise of confusion when he doesn’t feel a matching arousal pushing against his.

“Wait, wait…” he starts, and Bowser pulls back as if he’s been burned, watching the smaller man intensely and waiting for him to continue, “I’m sorry, we don’t have to keep going if you’re not into it.”

Bowser co*cks his head, confused, “wait, what? What gave you the impression I’m not into this?”

He sounds a little panicked, and it makes Luigi color in embarrassment. “Well… It’s just… You’re not… hard,” he finishes his sentence in a whisper, and it only makes Bowser’s face scrunch up more before it morphs into an expression of understanding.

“Oh! um... yes, well. I won’t be, at least not at the start.” The expression Luigi throws him spurs him on, “it might be easier for me to just show you, if that’s alright,” and at Luigi’s nod he stands from the bed and shucks his sweatpants onto the floor before tucking his thumbs under the waistband of his boxers. “This is a little bit… freaky. If it’s too much, just let me know, I totally get it.”

With that, he lowers his boxers, and Luigi is met with a truly wonderful sight. Between the man’s legs sat a slit, which he assumed under normal circ*mstances would blend in nearly seamlessly to his skin. However, right now it was puffy, swollen enough to resemble a vagin* that Luigi was accustomed to back home and slick with want. He had never really discriminated when it came to bed partners, and that had left him with an adequate amount of experience in every department, so to speak. He came out as bi halfway through highschool and– He realizes he’s been staring, and he looks up at Bowser’s face, cheeks dark red and eyes cast down to a random spot on the floor with his arms crossed defensively over his chest. Watching the powerful man chew on his lip with insecurity, he decides that simply won’t do.

He shuffles to the side of the bed, taking the man’s chin between his fingers and forcing the man to make eye contact with him. “Aw. Why are you being so shy? Are you embarrassed?”

Luigi’s blood runs cold at the expression on the man’s face, his eyes slightly glassy and his cheeks burning brighter as he nods.

“There have been others who were not as… agreeable as you seem to be. I’m the only one left of my kind, so there are no other instances of my genetic makeup in any of the medical files going back a long time.”

Bowser sighs, and Luigi moves his hand from his chin to rub along the length of the man’s jaw, nodding along to the story, “and well, people don’t always take kindly to things they don’t understand. A lot of people’s first reaction is disgust, which is understandable, and a lot of them have similar things to say about it.”

Luigi watches as the handsome face in front of him scrunches up in anger, and shaking hands move to pull his underwear back over his hips muttering, “this is so stupid, I’m sorry. I just…” Luigi refuses to let the man feel bad, anger broiling under his skin at the thought of the other people who made Bowser feel like this about his own body.

He runs his hands down a broad chest and quirks an eyebrow in question, and when Bowser gives him a small nod he gently pushes large hands away from their anchor on his waistband to take their place. He runs his fingers lightly around the hem before dipping his hands underneath the fabric to rest on the king’s ass, squeezing slightly and chuckling at the surprised noise Bowser lets out. He speaks his words into a warm neck, pressing kisses up and across his jaw as he meets the man’s eyes.

“Bowser, it’s not stupid. I’m sorry people treated you like that over something you have no control over. I like you. And I want you. It doesn’t matter to me what you’ve got going on in your pants, I wanna learn how to make you feel like you make me feel. Can I?” He rests his forehead against Bowser’s, and at his nod, brings his hands back around to the front of his waistband, moving to tug them down the man’s thighs.

“You really don’t have to do this, if it makes you uncomfortable” Bowser says lowly, and Luigi smirks, moving to suck a small bruise on the top of his collarbone, “Where I’m from, people have all types of different… equipment…” he giggles at his word choice before continuing, “and I’ve never run into a problem before. I promise, I’m not uncomfortable at all. Far from it, actually.”

He pulls them both back onto the bed, pushing the large man to lay back against the pillows and leans over to whisper into his ear, “to be honest, I think it’s really hot. You look so wet, is that all for me?” He feels Bowser shudder under him and nod and he pulls them into a filthy kiss, a string of spit connecting them when they separate. Luigi leans back to sit between the king’s spread legs and watches as Bowser props himself on his arms, eyes tracking the movement of Luigi’s mouth when he smiles and hums in thought.

“Show me. How you do it.” at the small confused noise that came from below him he clarifies, “Show me how you touch yourself. How you make yourself feel good. I want to see, please.”

He rubs his hands in reassuring circles up and down the man’s thighs, and he can hear the sharp intake of breath when his hands scoot closer to his core. “Is that okay?” He asks, and Bowser nods. “I would prefer a verbal answer, if you don’t mind, handsome” the slow movement of his hands stops as he waits for a response.

“Y-yeah, it’s okay. Hold on” the big man says as he situates himself against the headboard, pillows supporting his lower back and arms reaching out for Luigi. They assume their position from earlier, this time reversed. Bowser’s ass had been pulled over the human’s leg, shivering at the sensation of Luigi’s soft underwear against his rough skin. The circles on his legs resume as he trails a hand down his front, fingers brushing lightly and giving him goosebumps. “I don’t get the chance to do this very often, so don’t be surprised if it doesn’t last as long as you expected,” he says nervously, but Luigi just smiles at him, “I don’t have any expectations, except that you feel good. Okay?”

Bowser nods with a small smile. He hears a small gasp when he runs his fingers over his throbbing slit, and opens his eyes to find Luigi watching him like a hawk, dilated pupils darting between his face and his hand, not wanting to miss a single thing. “I was so confused when you said I wasn’t into this, ah, because I’ve been pretty much dripping wet since I walked in to you reading in my chair.”

Luigi’s co*ck throbs in his underwear, the flowy fabric tight around the evidence of his arousal, and he watches one of Bowser’s thick fingers disappear between his folds, rubbing slow circles as he pants breathily. He squeezes both thick thighs, and Bowser arches into the touch.

“Jesus, you’re so hot” Luigi says dumbly, and the dragon laughs, blushing as he realizes the human’s gaze is locked in on his lower half. “Oh yeah?” he smirks, spreading open his folds and watching as Luigi’s face flushes a dark shade of red at the sight.

Luigi was already having a hard time forming coherent thoughts before, but now there’s almost no chance as he watches Bowser’s fingers rub and tease at his opening, dipping two fingers inside and occasionally coming up to circle the growing nub at the top of his slit. The king’s other hand is running up and down his stomach, caressing the outline of something bulging out from under the skin. Luigi sits forward a little, hand hovering over Bowser’s on his stomach in question, who stills his movements and blushes, “it's… my dick. The stimulation is what makes it…” he gestures vaguely with his hand and Luigi understands and sets his hand down on top of the other man’s.

“Can I?” he asks, and Bowser arches up into his touch, moving his hand and giving Luigi full access to the bulge under his skin. Soft, panting moans reach the human’s ears and he smirks, rubbing against the distended skin and watching Bowser’s face as he grinds against his own fingers. Soon though, the bulge under his skin starts to tremble and Luigi meets Bowser’s eyes, intrigued.

“I-I…your feels good…” he sighs, and the human can feel the wetness at the front of his shorts spread considerably with arousal at his tone. At a particularly tight stroke of his hand, Bowser moans loudly and shoots to sit up, hands coming down to bat Luigi away and cover his hole shakily. “Sorry, sorry. It.. I just didn’t want it to surprise you is all. My dick has decided to join the party.”

He chuckles and Luigi giggles in kind, moving to grab the dragon’s hands and replace them with his own. Rubbing a thumb along either side of his slit, Luigi looks up at him through his lashes, “let me see? I wanna see how good I’m making you feel.”

With the added stimulation, Bowser’s dick starts to slowly peek out from between his folds until it’s fully standing at attention, tip red and leaking. It’s honestly pretty similar to a human dick,Luigi thinks, in shape at least, but it was much redder in color and had patches of scales much like the rest of his body. And it was proportional to his body, long and curved up to sit proudly just under where Luigi would imagine the man’s belly button would be. He’s salivating now, damn near drooling as he rakes his eyes up and down the man’s body.

Holy sh*t. You’re a big boy, huh?” he says, grip loose and slow as he starts properly jerking him off. Bowser blushes deeply and hides his face in the human’s neck, their new position allowing him to stifle his moans with sucking kisses to the man’s neck as he pulls him closer to the edge. It also allows him access to the co*ck weeping against Luigi’s thigh, tracing it lightly through the fabric. This causes the human to tighten his grip around his co*ck, and Bowser moans loudly at the pressure.

“Can I? I wanna touch you, please baby” Luigi nods and shifts back to shimmy out of his underwear while the other man sits back against the headboard watching with a heated look, one hand behind his head and the other wrapped around the base of his co*ck. He crawls up the bed and situates himself in Bowser’s lap, leaning back and resting his hands behind him on the man’s thighs. He gasps as a rough hand encases his throbbing arousal and starts stroking, precum making the movements slick and loud in the quiet room. Moaning loudly, he uses his hands as leverage and starts grinding against the movements, hips moving fluidly as the sensation sends him into a trance. He’s broken from his trance by a low growl and he looks up to see Bowser wiping drool from his mouth, his eyes trained on where they’re connected.

Their eyes meet, and it's like they’re pulled to each other like a magnet, lips crashing together as Luigi scoots closer, wrapping his hand around Bowser, bringing their co*cks together and rolling his hips. He catches a moan in the next kiss, and Bowser starts stroking him faster. He follows suit, and soon they’re not so much kissing as much as just panting into each others’ mouths, hips rocking together more and more wildly as they both hurdle towards the edge. Luigi’s free hand comes up to rest against Bowser’s neck and he feels the man’s dick jump heavily. He feels a hand come up to caress his hair, grabbing a handful of curls and tugging lightly as Bowser moans, “oh f*ck. I’m so close, baby. I wanna come with you, please.”

Luigi nods against his mouth, gasping wetly as his legs start to shake, “f*ckf*ckf*ck PLEASE. Haah… It feels so good, I wanna come, pleaseplease-” his begging is cut short by the hand on his dick speeding up, grip getting tighter and twisting at the tip. He speeds up his hand as well, and before long they’re shaking apart in each other’s grips panting heavily as they come down from their high together. Sloppy kisses are pressed wherever they can reach and Bowser hooks his arms around Luigi’s back to lower them both onto the bed. Once they’ve both calmed down, he feels movement against his chest and looks down to see the human already looking up at him.

“Hi” he says sheepishly and Luigi laughs, “hey, handsome” he says as he props himself up on Bowser’s chest. “How are you? Feeling okay?” He asks, anxiously remembering the situation in the bath after their last tryst had ended.

Luigi just giggles, though, and traces a pattern on the skin he can reach, “I feel amazing. A little sticky, but” he shrugs, “I don’t mind, since it’s you. You’re so hot, it’s unfair!”

He feels the man give his chest a halfhearted slap and he can’t help but laugh, catching the offending hand in his and bringing it up to his lips, kissing it softly. “You’re one to talk, beautiful. The noises you make, f*ck, I almost couldn’t take it.”

He watches Luigi blush and hide behind his arm, and rubs his wrist lovingly, “we should probably get cleaned up, because I for one do not want to fall asleep with all this on me.” He motions to their stomachs and the shared evidence of their previous activities, and Luigi scrunches up his nose and nods. Bowser sits them back up and grabs a random piece of clothing in the floor by the bed to wipe them off. They make their way into the bathroom and stumble into the shower, spending more time tracing each other’s bodies than they do getting clean. By the time they get out Luigi figures it’s gotta be at least midnight and is expecting to open the door to a pitch black room. But it seems as though one of the staff has been in, he notes with a blush, as the lanterns are all lit and it looks like the sheets have been changed. The bottles of wine Bowser brought up earlier were now on ice, and a new tray of food had been left on the table by the door.

“Don’t worry about that, my maids don’t ever ask questions or gossip. They know better,” he says, and he watches the human’s shoulders relax.

Luigi stands wrapped in a towel as a very naked Bowser roots through his drawers again and pulls on a pair of boxers, grabbing another pair and a shirt and walking back over to him. He tugs at the towel around the human’s chest and watches as it falls to the ground, leaving a very naked and very red Luigi behind. Smiling, he kneels and motions for the human to hold onto his hand as the other lifts his foot and slides it through one leg of the boxers, quickly pulling them up the other leg and around Luigi’s hips. He stands and grabs the shirt, stretching it over curly brown hair and guiding his arms through the holes. When he finishes, he plants a kiss on Luigi’s forehead, scoops him up, grabs the tray of food and makes his way over to the freshly made bed, settling once again behind the human and feeding him small bites of food as they start back up the series they had been watching earlier. He gratefully accepts what snacks Luigi offers him, and the rhythmic breathing of the man in front of him causes his head to loll back against the pillows, drifting in and out of sleep before falling asleep with his arms wrapped around Luigi’s waist.

When the deep, sleepy breaths continue past the end credits of the show, Luigi turns in his lover’s hold to watch his sleeping face, all the stress and responsibilities fading away with his consciousness. A small smile graces his face as he moves to deposit the tray of food on the bedside table, the farthest he can make it from the bed without escaping Bowser’s hold. He switches the tv onto some kind of nature documentary before setting it to turn off automatically in an hour and tossing the remote towards the end of the bed, turning to lay on his side and snuggling into the warm body beneath him. Rubbing idle patterns into scaly skin, he falls asleep quickly, and they stay tangled together until the sun is sitting high in the sky.

Luigi And The King - Chapter 10 - 2000pepper (2024)
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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

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Job: Corporate Banking Technician

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.